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Quebec 2000

Infinite Banking Practitioner


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What sparked your passion for Infinite Banking?

Infinite Banking is a wealth-creation strategy that has been a well-kept secret for years, guarded by the wealthy and I believe it is time to share the secret!

The Infinite Banking concept has started me on a journey of abundance. I see the world through a new lens now and see possibilities for me and my family that just weren't visible before.

We can all be wealth-creators and I am passionate about educating our youth and hard-working individuals on strategies that allow their hard-earned money to work for them.

Can you share a transformative experience from your advising career?

Each client is unique and with each client encounter, I truly believe we both walk away changed, positively, in some way.

When a prospective client gets excited about the new possibilities that a private family banking system allows them is a reminder to me that this joy is not about the wealth itself.

This joy stems from the realization that their wealth-creation system will set them on a path to financial abundance, allowing them to provide for their loved ones, a financially stress-free way of life.

What hobbies or passions enrich your life outside of work?

When I am not working, I am making the most of my time with my 3 children and 2 dogs. In my later years, I have come to appreciate the little joys in life, while they happen, in the moment. These moments revitalize me.

Who has been the most influential in shaping your financial philosophy?

I have read so many books, listened to so many podcasts and webinars, it is difficult to name any one person, thought or trigger that influenced me to change my approach to financial planning.

Financial knowledge is very important but so is the mind-set. You can have all the financial knowledge and yet not have the courage to do something different or step outside of the boundaries you have lived within your entire life.

What three career milestones have been most impactful for you?

After years as a Training Manager for a global corporate organization, I reinvented myself as a Financial Security and Infinite Banking Practitioner. That I was able to successfully make that change, is a significant achievement and one that I am proud of. It has reinforced my "yes I can" mindset, which I believe, follows me into my client relationships.

I pride myself in giving clients an exceptional experience through personal, authentic and valuable interactions. This is my personal goal, and when a client, without a prompt, feels and recognizes me in this way, it stirs up a feeling of gratitude and joy I cannot even put into words, but take with me every day.

The impact of the pandemic is certainly one we cannot forget and one that has impacted, for the better, the way we transact and interact. Yes, it is possible to build trust and friendship on-line. The rise of the use of technology has made it possible for us to meet folks we would have not necessarily have had the opportunity to meet before.

How do you tailor your strategies to individual client needs?

Each client is unique and there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to setting up our clients for financial success. I believe it is important to invest time up-front, look at the client's situation holistically and to get clear on their specific needs and desires for the short and long-term. Everyone wants to build wealth - I am interested in learning the "why" behind the "want" for my clients.

What qualities do you appreciate in a client, and how do these enhance your work together? 

I commit every single day to bring the best of myself to my clients. At heart, I am an educator and a life-long learner. I aim to share my new-found passion of Infinite Banking with young adults starting in their financial journey, as well as individuals and small to medium-sized business owners looking for a robust wealth-creation strategy.